Let’s start with the flight there. Very first person I see in the airport and every person after that. Pregnant. **sigh** Really? Is this necessary? I retaliated by having a pre-flight margarita. Did I mention our flight was at 9:40 am??? tee hee Take that pregnant lady!!!!
The good news is being possibly pregnant in Colorado would NOT have been fun. I have never done so much physical activity on a vacation in my life. Good lord how do these people relax??? Had I been pregnant or even thought it for a second, I would have been a nervous wreck the entire time since I am pretty sure NOTHING we did was safe for a woman with child. Or at least that’s what I kept telling my over active, every little thing that could go wrong, pregnancy obsessed mind.
Colorado is also not absent of baby, strollers, and preggos either. THEY.ARE.EVERY.WHERE. Again silly me for thinking I could escape it. The flight home had no less than 20 small children/babies on it. The mom next to me kept apologizing to me as her baby used her as a jungle gym the entire 4 hours. Her other two small children acted like angels. Did I mention one was her adopted daughter from Ethiopia? OK GOD. I HEAR YOU. And lady, I would give a trillion million dollars to be in your position so PLEASE STOP APOLOGIZING.
We attended a cookout for Memorial Day. Umpteen kids there, of all shapes and sizes. Shocker. Did it sting a little? Yes. Did I ewww and ahhhhh over two little toe heads the first 30 minutes? Yes. Was I glad I could guzzle beer while their dad tried to feed them both food with CHILI on it, while keeping them seated, plates on laps and holding two puppies back from gobbling up their lunches. YES, YES I did and I didn’t feel guilty AT ALL. : ) Frankly, the entire party was total chaos. And I can’t say that a tiny part of me wasn’t thankful I got to go home and leave all that chaos behind. Oh, did I mention there was a grandmother there with two little ones she is currently fighting her drugged out son for custody?! Yeah. Again. FAN FREAKING TASTIC.
And so…..
Real life started again today. Back to the grind. First item on my to do list: email the IVF nurse and tell her we are ready to move forward and don’t even blink when you hit send. Yep I'd say reality just slapped me in the face. : )