Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Like clockwork, when it rains it pours, and all those others fancy ways to say it........

So the inevitable happened. Just as I knew it would. Why? Because folks THAT is the story of my life.

During my in-laws anniversary dinner this weekend, the brother-in-law and his wife presented them with...wait for it.........


Yep, as if the knife in my side needed one more twist. They, of course, gave me a heads up because they 'weren't sure how i felt about crying in a restaurant - their words, NOT mine.  If we are being honest here, the tears I probably could have  held in for oh half an hour or so until dinner was done and we were in the safety of our own car, BUT the two whole hours and trying to get food past the ginormous lump in my throat - really not all that pleasant of a meal for me as you might have guessed.

What kills me is if you were trying to spare my feelings AT ALL, how about NOT including us in your very public announcment. Or maybe tell me before I have on a full face of makeup and we are walking out the door to go to dinner. I mean I doubt anyone will notice my red eyes, tear streaked face or the fact that I can't get a piece of lettuce down without choking. But thanks for thinking of me.

Whats even better, it was day 5 of lupron and day 1 of stims and I was going on about 2 hours of sleep (had to get up at 4am for a yard sale). As you can imagine, I cried most of the all night, esp. after DH said I was ruining his 'becoming an uncle' news for him. Wow - how dare me.

So for now, I'll just be over here, in the corner, by myself, with all my vials and needles and swollen ovaries, not bothering anybody EVER AGAIN.


  1. wow..wow..I know the pain you were in. And, your husband's comment sounds like something mine would have said. Hang in there...

  2. Yup. Been there. Cried a river.
    I am sorry that you had to go through that. In my brutally honest opinion, nobody cares about an infertile's feelings (cos they recognize that it is a legitimate health problem).
    Sadly, we are sentenced to suffer alone, and in silence!
    I am wishing you lots of good things ahead :)

  3. typo in my comment above. It should read (they DO NOT even recognize that it is a legitimate health problem).

  4. oh wow...i thought my sis and bro in laws preggo announcement on our anniversary (and knowing we are suffering from IF) was bad...this is WAY WORSE! GRR people can be SO INSENSITIVE! and im with babymadness....nobody recognizes it as a health problem...they feel if you relax about it, it will happen. not the case. i hope things get better for you soon.

    1. I swear it almost seems like a right of passage for us IVF'ers. SOMEONE always has to announce a pregnancy, don't they? Problem is now I feel like if we are also able to announce one, it will steal their thunder. GAH the worry is never done!!! ha

  5. Checking on you to see how you're doing. Any news?
