Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Like clockwork, when it rains it pours, and all those others fancy ways to say it........

So the inevitable happened. Just as I knew it would. Why? Because folks THAT is the story of my life.

During my in-laws anniversary dinner this weekend, the brother-in-law and his wife presented them with...wait for it.........


Yep, as if the knife in my side needed one more twist. They, of course, gave me a heads up because they 'weren't sure how i felt about crying in a restaurant - their words, NOT mine.  If we are being honest here, the tears I probably could have  held in for oh half an hour or so until dinner was done and we were in the safety of our own car, BUT the two whole hours and trying to get food past the ginormous lump in my throat - really not all that pleasant of a meal for me as you might have guessed.

What kills me is if you were trying to spare my feelings AT ALL, how about NOT including us in your very public announcment. Or maybe tell me before I have on a full face of makeup and we are walking out the door to go to dinner. I mean I doubt anyone will notice my red eyes, tear streaked face or the fact that I can't get a piece of lettuce down without choking. But thanks for thinking of me.

Whats even better, it was day 5 of lupron and day 1 of stims and I was going on about 2 hours of sleep (had to get up at 4am for a yard sale). As you can imagine, I cried most of the all night, esp. after DH said I was ruining his 'becoming an uncle' news for him. Wow - how dare me.

So for now, I'll just be over here, in the corner, by myself, with all my vials and needles and swollen ovaries, not bothering anybody EVER AGAIN.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Things I Question

Barnes & Noble does not carry a single book on IVF. Not one!!! I believe my chin is still on the floor at the customer service desk. They have a trillion on IBS though, in case you are wondering. And I’ve learned its best to enuuuuunciate when approaching the subject. **sigh**

Starting the IVF meds one day late is not a deal breaker. Try telling that to my overly obsessed, frenzied self who failed to check the box the pharmacy sent until the day of. Yeah, they left step one out completely.  And apparently this is the most common ‘emergency’ call my RE office receives after normal business hours.  Really? Who woulda thunk it?!

A pharmacist is ALWAYS trying to drum up business, even if she is sweet, kind and gives you her personal cell # to call 24/7 in the event that you need ANYTHING. But please do not fail to  mention this kindness and generosity and the fact the she was the only person on the East Coast able to fill above mentioned prescription at 8pm on a moment’s notice to the doctor who suggested her. I mean I suppose it’s the least I could do, right. pffttt (eye roll)

How does the universe know when you have spent your last dime on IVF and then plays mean tricks on you?  And why does it have to make the expensive things break?  And how does it know that a nice big kick while you are down would be to break the A/C when its over 100 degrees for 10 straight. Just HOW?

How come when you finally start to get pumped and ready for IVF and things start looking up and you feel positive, oh I don’t know, for the first time EVER, someone announces a pregnancy. And it hurts like a muther. Even if you have never met this person in real life. **sigh***

How is it that every single individual, medically speaking, that I have had to deal with regarding our current IVF cycle has earned a gold star for their impeccable sense of empathy, knowledge, and willingness to cater to my every need and beckon call EXCEPT the acupuncturist staff.  I mean am I wrong or is stress relief their freakin’ SPECAILTY or did I miss read the cards they have specifically placed on the desk of the RE office advertising their services to coincide with IVF cycles. HELLO? Get a personality and be nice, will ya? I promise, it won’t hurt! And I bet it will do WONDERS for my stress relief.  Hmpf…

How on earth is DH going to stick that giant Progesterone needle in my backside for weeks? I mean just looking at the needle already makes me want to throw up and we aren’t even close to being there yet. As if I don’t have to suffer enough already.  And don’t even try to butter me up with the tiny 30G insulin needle I use for the Lupron. I’m still not happy. The End.

Apparently my therapist was right when she told me I might have to spend the rest of my life stating the obvious to my DH people.  I without thinking assumed that when you know i'm currently taking mind numbing, body changing IVF medications and I tell you I feel like crap, you won't assume or ask me if I'm getting a cold. THERE.ARE.NO.WORDS. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Don't Mock Me

Today was mock transfer day. Yeah it sucked but not half as bad as the IUI sucked. About 4,506,538 bajillion times less painful. Thank you Doctor!! You’re good people as far as I’m concerned. Even if you didn’t laugh at my 'using humor to mask nervousness’ jokes…..

After that 5 minutes of umcomfortableness (mostly because my husband asked if I wanted him to leave the room while I got undressed. WHAT.), I went downstairs to schedule the acupuncture. Booked solid for weeks. OK. so if you are booked solid leading up to the transfer, what about for the transfer itself? Oooohh...you always have an extra room set up for that. Ok. Good to know. Esp. since I am about to have a freakin’ meltdown in your lobby!! But I digress…

What I AM having trouble wrapping my head around is A) how an IVF nurse can yell out into the waiting room of an IVF clinic to the people she has just called back. “(squeeaaaal) I’m so excited for you two”, and B) WHY GOD WHY are their huge wrapped canvas photos of babies on the walls?!?!?!? Is it their warped version of motivational posters? The holiday photo cards next to the elevator I can ALMOST justify – I mean advertise your success. I get that. But perfect babies in baskets of fluffy blankets wearing angel wings really isn’t making me want to double my medication dose so much as throw myself out of your third floor window, K?

On a lighter note I started the Cir.cle+Bl.oom meditation CD’s last night. On July 4th. Right at dark. Let me tell you, nothing relaxes you more than a dark room, a soothing voice, and bombs bursting in air. LOL. I had to laugh at myself - not my best idea. But from what I can tell, I think the CD’s were a worthy purchase. As will be my next purchase- a portable CD player. I should probably have been more specific when I asked DH if he had one and if I could borrow it. By portable he thought I meant not nailed down I guess because he granted my request by hauling his 1989 larger than my whole body boom box upstairs for me. ahhhhh – NOT what I had in mind BUT thanks for the gesture. Gotta love him though!!!

My meds should arrive tomorrow. Thanks goodness most of the office is on vacay – I’m seriously not excited about explaining to nosey people what I’ve ordered that needs refrigerating. Or why I have a cooler in my office. Esp. since I’m HR. Oh the rumors I will start. : )

Happy almost Friday and only 5 more days of BC! Woo hoo (it’s the small things)!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Holiday Schmoliday...

This pretty much sums up the way I view the world these days.

(notice thats beer in the stroller)

Happy 4th or whatever.