Thursday, July 5, 2012

Don't Mock Me

Today was mock transfer day. Yeah it sucked but not half as bad as the IUI sucked. About 4,506,538 bajillion times less painful. Thank you Doctor!! You’re good people as far as I’m concerned. Even if you didn’t laugh at my 'using humor to mask nervousness’ jokes…..

After that 5 minutes of umcomfortableness (mostly because my husband asked if I wanted him to leave the room while I got undressed. WHAT.), I went downstairs to schedule the acupuncture. Booked solid for weeks. OK. so if you are booked solid leading up to the transfer, what about for the transfer itself? always have an extra room set up for that. Ok. Good to know. Esp. since I am about to have a freakin’ meltdown in your lobby!! But I digress…

What I AM having trouble wrapping my head around is A) how an IVF nurse can yell out into the waiting room of an IVF clinic to the people she has just called back. “(squeeaaaal) I’m so excited for you two”, and B) WHY GOD WHY are their huge wrapped canvas photos of babies on the walls?!?!?!? Is it their warped version of motivational posters? The holiday photo cards next to the elevator I can ALMOST justify – I mean advertise your success. I get that. But perfect babies in baskets of fluffy blankets wearing angel wings really isn’t making me want to double my medication dose so much as throw myself out of your third floor window, K?

On a lighter note I started the Cir.cle+Bl.oom meditation CD’s last night. On July 4th. Right at dark. Let me tell you, nothing relaxes you more than a dark room, a soothing voice, and bombs bursting in air. LOL. I had to laugh at myself - not my best idea. But from what I can tell, I think the CD’s were a worthy purchase. As will be my next purchase- a portable CD player. I should probably have been more specific when I asked DH if he had one and if I could borrow it. By portable he thought I meant not nailed down I guess because he granted my request by hauling his 1989 larger than my whole body boom box upstairs for me. ahhhhh – NOT what I had in mind BUT thanks for the gesture. Gotta love him though!!!

My meds should arrive tomorrow. Thanks goodness most of the office is on vacay – I’m seriously not excited about explaining to nosey people what I’ve ordered that needs refrigerating. Or why I have a cooler in my office. Esp. since I’m HR. Oh the rumors I will start. : )

Happy almost Friday and only 5 more days of BC! Woo hoo (it’s the small things)!


  1. So much to say about this post.
    First off - I thought the trial transfer was painful!!
    The IUI's were a piece of cake for me.
    Acupuncture there in the doctor's office? I guess that's part of their 'plan'?
    I did acupuncture and, nothing against it, it just did nothing for me.
    I did do the meditation and that DID help. I loaded it onto my I-Pod and would do it after exercising.
    Good luck girl! thinking and praying for you guys!

  2. I love your humor. I had an IUI done on the 8th and they recommended canceling it since sperm count was only 1.5. We did it anyway since that war our only hope. They have a FREAKING mobile above the IUI bed of a paper pregnant mom with a baby in the stomach and then tons of paper babies hanging on it. YES. Twisted motivation. I almost ripped it! Oh man. The things we do for babies :)
