Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WPMOW (what pisses me off wednesday)

Along the same lines as What I’m Loving Wednesday but different.

-    The IVF nurse told me yesterday that a positive attitude goes a long way. Easy to say when you aren’t the one being the human pin cushion. And btw- a knuckle sandwich is pretty long lasting as well. hmpf…..

-     I need to start counting days so I know when to start meds. Friggin’ impossible when AF starts. Stops. Starts. Then stops again. Seriously, my body hates me.

-    The only questions DH asked the IVF nurse yesterday was when could be DO IT? Really? REALLY? That’s your concern? Buddy, you better focus on how not to get your eyes scratched out for the next few weeks. Jus sayin…..

-    The timing of this IVF cycle will more than likely make me have to miss a concert I have been looking forward to for months. As if infertility hasn’t taken enough away from me already. sigh…………….

-     I emailed my DH all the details of my weird AF today. His response was he almost lost his breakfast. Really? Note to self: he gets ALL THE GORY DETAILS from here on out. ALL! Why should I suffer alone? : )

-     I will suffer possibly up to 8 weeks of painful shots in my rear, major hormonal shifts, feeling like tee total crap I’m guessing for much of the duration of this process, weight gain and god knows what else. DH gets to masturbate. HOW IS THIS FAIR?????????

-    I was all geared up to follow the EZ fertility diet. NO WHITE WINE. Bitch please………..

1 comment:

  1. yes, the guys have it easy for sure! Even when you do get pregnant!
    good luck!!
