I can’t write lately. Everything hurts too much. Because well everybody’s pregnant…..
The lady in front of me at the grocery store. The lady behind me at the grocery store. The receptionist and everyone else at my ob’s office. AND my RE’s office. I started therapy yesterday. AND guess whose pregnant? Yep, both receptionists! **sigh** And in case you are wondering, YES I drank from the water fountain before I left the building.
Anywho….where was I? Oh yeah, every celebrity on the planet including a Kardashian (just what this world needs, another one of THOSE). And the lady to the front, back, left and right of me in church. Even God is taunting me now. For the record, I know that isn’t true but it sure feels that way sometimes. : (
I have too much anger to blog. It wouldn’t be ME. Just the shell of me that exists right now. I have a week before my lap and then 3 months of not being able to try. Too bad humans don’t hibernate – this would be the perfect time for that. And probably about all I will be capable of.
So I’ll leave you to ponder this quote I stole from another blog today.
“It’s hard to wait around for something you know might never happen but It’s even harder to give up when you know it’s everything you want.” ~Author unknown
Yep, that about sums it up.